I am currently a software engineer.

I am putting this blog together to detail my journey through various languages, frameworks, toolkits to solve interesting real-world problems. The blog is also one of my (hopefully several) ways of giving back to the software engineering development community.

In my spare time, I read about everything CS r/osdev, r/systems, the morning paper and so on.


Side Projects

Some of my recent projects are:

(a) IdentifyBox: This application locates boxes in a black and white image. This was done for my AI course. Link

(b) Swing Drawing Program: An experiment in the application of design patterns to building GUI applications in Java. Link

(c) Multiplayer Tic-tac-toe: Learning C Sockets can be fun especially when paired with games. Link

Open Source

Some recent open-source contributions are:

(a) Geometry: A Customizable Zsh theme. I added an npm/node plugin to display the npm/yarn version in a certain context, that in a javascript project directory. Link.